Description: A polygon data-set that represents the jurisdictional boundaries for the aldermanic districts for within cities within Waupaca County, Wisconsin. These boundaries were adopted during the 2010 redistricting process.
Description: A polygon data-set that represents the jurisdictional boundaries for the county supervisory districts throughout Waupaca County, Wisconsin. These boundaries were adopted during the 2010 redistricting process.
Description: A polygon data-set that represents voting district boundaries throughout Waupaca County, Wisconsin. These boundaries were adopted during the 2010 redistricting process.
Description: Tax parcel map of Waupaca County, Wisconsin. The layer was derived from a variety of source maps including: mylar county parcel maps, plats of surveys, deed descriptions, subdivision maps, certified survey maps, highway right-of-way plats, and township highway right-of-way maps. These source materials were of several different scales and were from dates ranging from the early 1850's to the present. This map provides a useful representation of the geometry and topology of tax parcels and is suitable for its intended purpose. It is not, however, meant to be used for the determination of land ownership or to be in any way a substitute for the land ownership and interest descriptions contained in individual deeds. The tax parcel layer is available in a county-wide or individual layer for each township, city, or village.
Description: Public Land Survey System Network for Waupaca County, WI. The layer was derived from a variety of source maps including PLSS corner tie sheets, section summaries and other survey maps filed in the County Surveyor's office. Quarter and Quarter-Quarter divisions were established by existing survey when applicable. In the absence of survey data straight line intersects between quarter corners was used to establish quarter and quarter-quarter lines. The index layer is available in a county-wide or individual layer for each township, city, or village.
Description: Dataset represents various permanent conservation easements throughout the county. These easements include perpetual NRCS Conservation Reserve Easement Program (CREP) areas, Waupaca County donated conservation easements and private Land Trust easements.
Copyright Text: Waupaca County Land and Water Conservation
Description: The hydrography coverage was created to represent rivers, water bodies and other hydrographic phenomena in Waupaca County. Hydrologic features were derived from the May 1994 flight with a flight height of 10,000 feet.
Description: The hydrography coverage was created to represent rivers, water bodies and other hydrographic phenomena in Waupaca County. Hydrologic features were derived from the May 1994 flight with a flight height of 10,000 feet.
Description: Comprehensive planning preferred land use. Data was generated through a grassroots effort facilitated by township level planning commission meetings. Township planning commissions identified how they wanted to see the land used in the future, 2030 be the target date.
Copyright Text: Waupaca County Planning and Zoning
Description: A polygon data-set for the County of Waupaca's land use plus all of New London and Marion. It was an update (2010) from the county and their communities. East Central aided in the changes as a service to the county.
Copyright Text: East Central Regional Planning Comission
Description: A point data-set that represents discrete location of all parks within Waupaca County, Wisconsin. This includes State Parks, County Parks, Town Parks, and City/Village Parks.
Description: A polygon data-set that represents the location of all park boundaries within Waupaca County, Wisconsin. This includes State Parks, County Parks, Town Parks, and City/Village Parks.
Description: A point data-set that represents a comprehensive, spatially referenced collection of site addresses as recognized by Waupaca County. This layer represents the location/address of primary structures (generally residential housing) throughout the County.
Description: A line data-set that represents a comprehensive, spatially referenced collection of driveway locations that service the addressed locations as recognized by the Waupaca County Land Information Office.
Description: A line data-set that represents the Waupaca County transportation network. A single line is used to represent the center of a road. All roads are geocoded with a address range.
Description: The road right-of-way(ROW) layer for Waupaca County includes county, state, and U.S. highways, town roads, city streets and alleys. The Road ROW layer is available in a county-wide or individual layer for each township, city, or village. The road ROW polygons were derived from various sources. These sources include, but are not limited to, deeds, surveys, subdivision plats, highway plats, Town records, and State records.